Small Craft

Late 19th & Early 20th Century British Yachting

The Sailors: Amateur British & Irish Yachtsmen Before World War One

A Donald Maxwell Bibliography

A list of articles and books written by Donald Maxwell. So far this doesn't include those works illustrated by him, just those he actually authored.
Title Sub Title Publication Year Publisher
A Painter in Palestine John Lane
The Pilgrims' Way in Kent Kent Messinger
The Log of the Griffin The Story of a Cruise from the Alps to the Thames 1905 John Lane, The Bodley Head
A Cruise Across Europe Notes on a Freshwater Voyage From Holland to the Black Sea 1907 John Lane, The Bodley Head
A Voyage to the Vosges Being an account of the ups and downs and subterranean burrowings of a barge on her mountain joyrney from the Belgian Ardennes, through France, and into Germany by way of the Central Vosges 1913 The Yachting Monthly
A Motor Boat's Discovery of the Upper Meday 1913 The Yachting Monthly
Adventures With a Sketch Book 1914 John Lane, The Bodley Head
Last Crusade 1914-18 With 100 Sketches in Colour, Monochrome and Line Made by the Author in the Autumn and Winter of 1918, When Sent on Duty to Palestine by the Admiralty for The Imperial War Museum 1920 John Lane, The Bodley Head
Unknown Kent 1921 John Lane, The Bodley Head
A Dweller in Mesopotamia Being The Adventures of an Official Artist in the Gard 1921 John Lane, The Bodley Head
Unknown Sussex Being a Series of Unmethodical Explorations of the County 1923 John Lane, The Bodley Head
Wembley in Colour An Impression and Memento of the British Empire Exhibition of 1924 1924 Longmans, Green, and Co.
Unknown Essex 1925 John Lane, The Bodley Head
Unknown Norfolk 1925 John Lane, The Bodley Head
New Lights O' London Being a series of impressions of the glamour and magic of London at night 1926 Herbert Jenkins Limited
Unknown Suffolk 1926 John Lane, The Bodley Head
History With a Sketch Book 1926 John Lane, The Bodley Head
Unknown Dorset 1927 John Lane, The Bodley Head
Unknown Somerset 1927 John Lane, The Bodley Head
The Book of the Clyde Being a Connected Series of Drawings and Observations of the River from Its Source to the Firth 1927 John Lane, The Bodley Head
The Enchanted Road 1927 Methune & Co., Ltd.
Excursions in Colour 1927 George H. Doran Company
Adventures Among Churches 1928 Faith Press
The Landscape Of Thomas Hardy 1928 Cassell & Company, Ltd.
A Detective in Kent 1929 John Lane, The Bodley Head
More Adventures Among Churches 1929 Faith Press
A Detective in Sussex 1932 John Lane, The Bodley Head
A Detective in Surrey 1932 John Lane, The Bodley Head
A Pilgrimage of the Thames 1932 Centenary Press
Sketching in Pen & Ink 1932 Sir Isaac Pitman and Sons
A Detective in Essex 1933 John Lane, The Bodley Head
Unknown Surrey 1933 John Lane, The Bodley Head
Color Sketching in Chalk 1934 Pitman Publishing Corp.
Unknown Buckinghamshire 1935 John Lane, The Bodley Head